Amy Brodersen

Circuit Judge
Escambia County
Judicial Assistant: 
Michelle Gibbs

M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building, 6th Floor
190 Governmental Center
Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax : 


This is intended as a brief overview of procedures in an effort to assist parties handling cases before Judge Brodersen. Should you have any additional questions not addressed in the overview, please contact the Judicial Assistant, Michelle Gibbs at (850) 595-4464 or via email at

Division “F” in Escambia County is a Circuit Civil division.


The Code of Judicial Conduct precludes judicial assistants from making substantive inquiries of the judge on behalf of any attorney or litigant involved in any action. The Code prohibits all judges from considering ex parte (one side only) communications.

Judicial Assistants are neither qualified nor able to provide legal advice to anyone. However, they are more than happy to assist, or Judicial Assistants may assist with procedural and scheduling inquiries only.

Any issue to be considered by a judge should be in the form of a motion filed with the Clerk of Court with copies provided to all parties of record. It is the responsibility of the moving party to set the motion for hearing.


To schedule a hearing, please send an email to the judicial assistant, Michelle Gibbs, at copying all counsel of record or by calling (850) 595-4464. Hearing requests are processed in the order in which they are received. Please include the following information in the email or have ready when scheduling by phone: the case number, the title of the motion to be heard and the amount of time needed for the hearing. Once all parties have agreed and confirmed the date and time of the hearing with the judicial assistant, the party seeking the hearing is to prepare and file a Notice of Hearing.  

Case law for consideration at a motion hearing should be provided at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled hearing to the judicial assistant via email or hand delivery.

No additional motions should be added to the existing hearing time without first coordinating this request with the judicial assistant and other counsel/parties.

Parties and/or counsel should make their request to appear telephonically or via Zoom at the time the hearing is being coordinated by email/telephone. If the hearing will be held telephonically, please provide a toll-free number, if available, for the Court to initiate the call at the appropriate time. If a toll-free number is not provided, the party appearing telephonically must call the judicial assistant at (850) 595-4464 in order to be transferred to the appropriate court room/chambers, at the time of the scheduled hearing. If more than one party wishes to appear by telephone, those parties must conference in together before calling the judge’s office or conference in before the judge calls the toll-free number.

Please note: if a hearing is scheduled for fifteen (15) minutes or less, there is no need to file a motion/order for the remote/telephonic appearance. If the hearing is scheduled for more than fifteen (15) minutes, a motion/order must be filed.

If it is determined a scheduled hearing is no longer necessary, please notify the judge’s office immediately, preferably by email. A Notice of Cancellation will need to be filed with the Clerk’s office and a courtesy copy should be emailed to the judicial assistant.

Please email all proposed orders/judgments, in Microsoft Word format, to or, coping all parties.


If a Motion that has been set for hearing is to be withdrawn, conceded, or continued, the Judge's office should be notified as soon as is practical. Written Notice of Cancellation or Notice Withdrawing the Motion will be necessary and may be sent via email to


Effective January 1, 2015, the Clerk’s office no longer accepts proposed orders through the Florida Court E-filing Portal. Please email all proposed orders/judgments, in Microsoft Word format, to or, coping all parties. If a case involves pro se parties without designated email addresses, please include the mailing address on the proposed order/judgment, in order to ensure proper distribution of conformed copies. 

Please continue to file all other pleadings/motions with the Clerk of Court. Courtesy copies are welcome with the emailed proposed orders/judgments; however, any courtesy copies furnished for the Judge should be submitted only as a copy of the documents filed with the Clerk’s office and should include the electronic filing number, date and time stamp.